Designed for those involved in trading operations or responsible for merchandising grains, feed and feed ingredients, everyone involved in contract execution should attend the seminar.
The NGFA Trading, Trade Rules and Arbitration Seminar uses extensive case studies to provide a working knowledge of trade and contracting principles and includes sessions on:
· * Trade rules application, including the feed, barge, secondary rail freight and barge freight trade rules
· * An attorney-led panel discussion on the legal principles of commercial and producer contracting and trading
· * Laws and standards applicable to grain and feed transactions
· * A primer on NGFA Arbitration including avoiding disputes and use of arbitration when necessary
The NGFA trade rules
govern all financial, mercantile and commercial transactions involving grain.
They are dynamic and responsive to current business practices. And they are
maintained solely by NGFA.
Register today to make sure you and those at
your company involved in trade operations or responsible for merchandising
grains learn how to apply the NGFA trade rules to minimize costly trade
disputes and contract non-performance.
If anyone else at your company could benefit from this valuable education forward them this email! The Trade Rules Seminar is only held every other year, don't miss out.
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