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SZ Kabir: Alltech’s research would not be where it is today without Dr. Karl Dawson’s hard work, dedication and vision. Alltech Authority is proud to see him recognized for his contribution to agriculture by being inducted into the Animal and Food Sciences Hall of Fame in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences at the University of Kentucky.
Dr. Karl Dawson is the vice president and chief scientific officer at Alltech and directs activities at the company’s bioscience centers around the world, including Alltech’s Center for Animal Nutrigenomics and Applied Animal Nutrition, where he is the co-director.
Alltech is an American company, headquartered in Nicholasville, Kentucky, with operations in animal feed, meat, brewing, and distilling. Alltech develops agricultural products for use in both livestock and crop farming, as well as products for the food industry. Alltech operates under three main divisions: animal nutrition and health; crop science; and, food and beverage. Dr. Pearse Lyons, an Irish biochemist and entrepreneur, founded Alltech in 1980 with the mission to improve the health and performance of people, animals and plants through natural nutrition and scientific innovation.
Source: Online
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