Poster in Jan 29, 2024 13:33:23

Farmers succeeded in cultivating mustard without cultivation of the land

Farmers succeeded in cultivating mustard without cultivation of the land

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The cultivation of mustard without cultivation is increasing in the district. On the advice of the Agriculture Department, farmers sow mustard seeds in paddy fields 8-10 days before harvesting. Farmers of Meherpur are cultivating mustard with fertilizer and irrigation after cutting paddy. The agriculture department has advised the farmers to cultivate mustard without tillage and without leaving any land fallow. As the farmers were motivated, more than the target area was cultivated with mustard.

The vast field of Meherpur is like a ceremony of yellow flowers amid green. The field of Meherpur is covered with mustard flowers wrapped in yellow-green. Mustard has grown on some land. Agam two farmers who cultivate mustard are collecting mustard from the land. Nature has become enthralled with its glory in the mustard yellow flowers. The mustard field is filled with the smell of bees. Vast mustard fields in Meherpur field indicate that there will be a bumper crop of mustard this season if there is no major natural calamity. A glimmer of joy in the farmer's eyes.

The District Agricultural Extension Directorate is expecting a bumper crop of mustard in Meherpur this year. Mustard oil has many medicinal properties. And mustard greens increase the fertility of the land. And mustard plant can be used as fuel. Besides, if mustard is cultivated on the land, the food demand of the land is satisfied to a large extent by the mustard leaves falling on that land. Mustard cultivation is increasing in the district due to less time and cost.

After visiting the fields of different villages and talking to the mustard farmers, it is known that 7-8 maunds of mustard will be produced from each bigha of the current season. Due to the profitable and favorable environment for mustard cultivation, the cultivation of mustard in Meherpur is more than the target in the current Rabi season in about 172 hectares of land. The farmers and agriculture department are expecting more yield in the current rabi crop season as the weather is favorable and there is less disease in the mustard field.

According to Meherpur District Agricultural Extension Directorate, the target of mustard in the current year was 6 thousand 973 hectares of land. But in the current season, mustard has been cultivated on 7 thousand 145 hectares of land in the district. Which has been cultivated on 172 hectares of land more than the target. Mustard has been cultivated on more land than last year.

Niamat Ali, a mustard farmer of Sholmari village of Sadar Upazila, said that because of the lack of expenditure on land cultivation, mustard cultivation is spending a maximum of three thousand taka per bigha. A typical mustard can be sold for 3 to 3.5 thousand taka. 15-20 thousand rupees per bigha can be earned if Satman mustard is produced per bigha. Besides, mustard cultivation does not require much irrigation. Moreover, mustard can be cultivated in just three months. The biggest enemy of mustard is the jab beetle. He is hoping that the yield of mustard will be good as there is no jab insect attack this time.

Mustard farmer Abul Bashar of Radhagobindpur Dhala village of Gangni Upazila said - I cultivate mustard on 1 bigha of land every year to meet my needs. Due to the increase in oil prices, this time I cultivated mustard on 2 bigha land. Hope this year's mustard yield will be better than other years.

Vijay Krishna Halder, Deputy Director of Meherpur District Agricultural Extension Department, said that the yield of the cultivated mustard variety is higher than that of the native mustard. Many farmers are sowing mustard seeds in paddy fields before harvesting Aman paddy. The main reason for this is the high demand for mustard and edible oil in the market. The land is fallow for two months after the harvesting of Aman paddy. If you cultivate Sharisa during this time without cultivation, it will be possible to meet the demand for oil and export it outside the country. People will come back to mustard plantations again if they get such a natural environment. He is also hopeful that if the weather is finally favorable, there will be a bumper crop of mustard this time.

Source: Online/GFMM

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