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Food or Feed is eaten by man or animal, digested, absorbed, metabolized and utilized by the body cell.
COMPONENTS OF Food/Feed: 1. Water, 2. Dry matter
a. organic: i) carbohydrate, ii) protein, iii) fat, iv) vitamins
b. inorganic: i) minerals
Carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals, vitamins water, etc are essential for the growth, maintenance, production, and reproduction of a man or animal.
*No energy is produced from water, vitamin and mineral
*CHO, protein, and fat are called energy-giving nutrients.
* Sources: Water present in feed, Metabolic water and drinking water
* Requirement of water: Poultry (adult)-0.20 liter/day
* Function:
1. Cell rigidity and elasticity. 2. Solvent action. 3. Lubrication. 4. Hydrolytic reactions. 5. Ionic reaction. 6. Transportation. 7. Heat regulation. 8. Respiration function
Carbohydrate: 1. Energy supply. 2. Glycogen is stored in the liver and used in starvation. 3. Maintain body temperature. 4. Lactose helps to develop brain cells (lactose found in milk & it is known as milk sugar)
(firstly CHO is used for the energy supply in the body if any kind of CHO deficiency occurs in the body then fat is used for the energy supply when CHO and fat both are deficit in the body then energy is produced from the protein)
Protein: 1. Build up body tissue. 2. Repair of body tissue. 3. Synthesis hormone and enzyme. 4. Feathers, nail, hair and wool formation. 5. Energy supply (CHO and fat deficiency )
(animal protein is of higher quality than plant protein because animal protein contains all essential amino acids and is also efficiently utilized) Fats
1. Energy supply (It gives 2.25 times more energy than CHO and protein). 2. Skin smooth and oily. 3. Flavor and palatability. 4. It carries fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). 5. Reserved under the skin and utilized during starvation (excess CHO and protein converted into body fat).
Minerals: 1. Bone and teeth formation. 2. Blood cells contain a small amount of minerals for the normal function of blood cells.. 3. Maintenance of ionic equilibrium and osmotic pressure.. 4. Maintenance of acid-base equilibrium.. 5. Minerals are directly related to the structure and functions of membranes.. 6. Minerals are also found as structural components of some hormones. 7. It activates the enzymes.
*Fat-soluble vitamins:
Vit-A: Prevent xerophthalmia or night blindness. It helps with eye vision.
Vit-D: It helps to absorb Ca from the intestine for bone and teeth formation.
Vit-E: It helps in reproduction.
Vit-K: It helps to clot blood.
*Water soluble vitamins:
Vit-B Complex: Prevents anemia, helps growth and metabolism.
Vit-C: It is essential for collagen formation (found in the gums) and prevents scurvy. Caloric content of fat, protein, carbohydrates, and alcohol Calories are needed to provide energy so the body functions properly. The number of calories in a food depends on the amount of energy the food provides. The number of calories a person needs depends on age, height, weight, gender, and activity level. People who consume more calories than they burn off in normal daily activity or during exercise are more likely to be overweight.
Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories
Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories
Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories
Alcohol: 1 gram = 7 calories
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