Poster in May 25, 2024 13:27:17

TekPro: Pioneering Precision in Agricultural Testing

TekPro: Pioneering Precision in Agricultural Testing

In the heart of Norfolk's picturesque countryside, a revolution is quietly unfolding. TekPro, a family-owned British company, is redefining the standards of post-harvest sampling and testing with its innovative solutions. Since its inception in 1989, TekPro has been driven by a singular vision: to assist customers in navigating the complexities of global food markets. 

TekPro's flagship product line, Samplex, is the epitome of this vision. The Bulk Samplers, uniquely designed with a patented gravity-fed UniSpear, ensure the collection of truly representative core samples, complying with ISO24333 standards. This method not only guarantees quality testing but also mitigates the risks associated with manual sample collection, a critical factor in maintaining the integrity of the global food supply chain. 

The company's commitment to excellence doesn't end there. The Holmen range of Pellet Durability Testers, designed and manufactured under license from Borregaard, is a testament to TekPro's dedication to quality. Understanding the Pellet Durability Index (PDI) is crucial for controlling pellet quality, and the Holmen testers provide insights that can boost productivity and profitability by reducing the need for energy-intensive reworking. 

Perhaps one of TekPro's most groundbreaking innovations is the Insectomat. Developed in collaboration with the Home-Grown Cereals Authority in the UK, this machine offers a quick and accurate method for detecting insects in wheat, barley, and oats. Early screening and detection at the point of intake are vital for preventing costly infestations in stored grain, and the Insectomat stands as a guardian against such threats. 

TekPro's engineering prowess is not just limited to its products. The company's ethos of simplicity, reliability, and longevity is woven into every aspect of its operations. All products are designed, developed, and manufactured in Britain, showcasing the country's rich heritage of craftsmanship and innovation. 

As the agricultural industry grapples with the demands of food and ingredient traceability, TekPro's equipment emerges as a beacon of hope. Accurate and representative sampling is more than a technical requirement; it's a cornerstone of the 'farm to fork' strategy aimed at building a safe, secure, and sustainable food system. TekPro's solutions empower regulators and industry players alike, ensuring that the standards of food quality and safety are not just met but exceeded. 

In a world where the pressures of food production are ever-increasing, TekPro stands as a paragon of British engineering and ingenuity. Its products are not mere tools; they are the bearers of trust and quality in the global food market. As TekPro continues to innovate and expand its reach to over 100 countries, it remains steadfast in its mission: to provide the agricultural industry with the means to ensure the integrity of our food, from the field to our tables. 

For those interested in learning more about TekPro's contributions to the agricultural sector or inquiring about their products, the company welcomes contact through their website 

With TekPro, the future of agricultural testing is not just bright; it's precise, reliable, and undeniably British. 

-By Tyrone Moy.

Source: Email/GFMM

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