Poster in Oct 02, 2022 02:07:02

We can reduce our edible oil deficit to a great extent in the next few years

We can reduce our edible oil deficit to a great extent in the next few years

Dr. Md. Abdul Latif Akanda,  Director, Oilseed Research Centre (ORC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur. Photo: GFMM  


Located in the Gazipur district the Oilseed Research Centre (ORC) is a department under Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI). Since its establishment, the center has been conducting research to increase the production of edible oil in Bangladesh. Since its establishment, the center has been researching several issues including increasing the production of edible oil in Bangladesh. Recently, Grain Feed & Milling Magazine (GFMM) conducted an interview with the Director of this center, Dr. Md. Abdul Latif Akanda. The magnetic part of that interview is released for readers.


Grain Feed & Milling Magazine (GFMM): What are the oilseeds of Bangladesh? Which oilseeds are you researching?

Dr. Md. Abdul Latif Akanda: Among the oilseeds of Bangladesh are mustard, groundnut, sesame, soybean, sunflower, linseed, Niger, Safflower, coconut, veranda, lemongrass, etc. But we work with 8 of these seeds. 5 of them are major, and 3 are minor. The main 5 are mustard, groundnut, sesame, soybean, and sunflower.


GFMM: Briefly describe the activities of your Oilseeds Research Centre.

Dr. Md. Abdul Latif Akanda: The activities of our oilseed research center are; Genetic enhancement of oil crops through the collection and maintaining local & exotic germplasm, Development of high-yielding varieties suitable for existing cropping patterns, Development of modern production technology, Development of plant protection measures, Quality studies of different oils, Breeders seed production and distribution, TLS production and distribution, Technology transfer through training, block demonstration, distribution of leaflets, booklets and through mass media.


GFMM: Tell us about your research methodology and development area.

Dr. Md. Abdul Latif Akanda: We generally carry out our research activities in two ways. First, we collect improved germplasm from our own country's breeds. Then do research on them. If our own germplasm does not seem superior, then bring in germplasm from abroad. Then we cross the country's germplasm with foreign germplasm. We do 5/6 trials at different stages, in different mediums. Then approve the selected variety of the highest quality. It takes about 12 years to develop a new variety. We are trying to minimize this time. Our research and development areas are; Variety development, Crop, and Soil management, Disease management, Insect management, Biochemical studies, Technology transfer, Training, Demonstration, Seed production, Seed distribution, On-farm trials, etc.


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