Poster in Jan 11, 2024 13:47:09

What will you gain from our Maintenance Track?

What will you gain from our Maintenance Track?

Get on Track With Maintenance Education at the GEAPS Exchange

If you know GEAPS Exchange, you know it's packed with more than 45 hours of educational content you can use as soon as you get back to work! There are four comprehensive educational tracks tailored to meet the needs of those in our industry. Focus on one or dabble in all four. Exchange Education is a “choose your own adventure” with sessions on Maintenance, Safety, Employee Development and Grain Operations.  

Maintenance Track

Have you taken a look at the great education schedule for GEAPS Exchange 2024? If you have, you surely see why it is important to go ahead and book your ticket to Kansas City, Missouri. There is so much to learn! 

Perhaps you are curious about exactly what you could learn in the 45 hours of educational programming shared at GEAPS Exchange when we gather February 24-27 at the Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Missouri. 

Like each of the educational tracks, the Maintenance Track is being planned by members of the GEAPS Exchange Educational Programming Committee who have a keen knowledge of all things maintenance. 

EPC Member Brad Droegmiller, also a member of GEAPS' Siouxland Chapter, helped plan the Maintenance Track. Droegmiller, whose day job at Dodge Industrial focuses on maintenance, said there is a lot to learn at this year's conference. 

"Effective maintenance is your first line of defense against equipment downtime, productivity issues, safety incidents, and other disruptive events," Droegmiller said, adding that a skilled and experienced maintenance workforce can make a world of difference to a grain or processing facility, ensuring daily operations remain unaffected by technical issues and equipment challenges.

"This maintenance track is made up of sessions to help improve your operations by utilizing the latest maintenance methods, safety practices and technology in the industry and has something for everyone from a first-year grain elevator employee to an experienced long-term manager," Droegmiller said. 

Click the link below to learn more about the Maintenance Track and all educational tracks at this year's event. 

Learn More About Education Tracks

If you haven't yet, be sure to register for GEAPS Exchange. Remember, you will not be able to attend all education sessions with an Expo Only pass; just the Innovation Stations and Grain Entrapment Rescue Demo. Be sure to get the full registration to take advantage of this great education opportunity. Save money with the Early Bird Discount and register on or before February 1, 2024.

Source: Email/GFMM

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