Poster in Aug 14, 2022 22:54:29

“We are so grateful for our partnership with the Nebraska Corn Board…

“We are so grateful for our partnership with the Nebraska Corn Board…

We are so grateful for our partnership with the Nebraska Corn Board, especially for the summer internship program they sponsor. This year's summer intern was the amazing Emma Dostal, she finished her time with USGC at the end of July, but made a big impact while she was here!

“We have benefited greatly from the work Emma provided during her time at the Council,” said Bryan Jernigan, USGC director of communications. “Not only have we seen engagement numbers on Instagram rise due to Emma’s contributions, but her work on the upcoming Export Exchange program has also put us far ahead on our preparations, and we hope to have her in person in Minneapolis during the event so she may see firsthand the fruits of her efforts with us. We appreciate all she’s done while she’s been with us in Washington.”

Emma Dostal, who has served as an intern in the U.S. Grains Council’s (USGC’s) communications department in Washington, D.C. since June, completed her Nebraska Corn Board-sponsored internship on Friday, July 29.

During her time with the Council, Dostal had the opportunity to assist the communications team on projects including writing press releases, copy editing and digitizing historical photos. She also took on the task of creating a social media campaign during the second week in the role. Find more.

-By U.S. Grains Council

|Source: Email/KSU

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