Poster in May 23, 2023 15:27:33

Very soon our Silos will be looking after Legumbres Pedro in its new plant

Very soon our Silos will be looking after Legumbres Pedro in its new plant

Recently we have completed the assembly works of these 4 hopper silos SCX0460/08T45, which soon will become part of the company´s new facilities in Alcalá de los Gazules, Cadiz, Spain, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, which Legumbres Pedro has planned to inaugurate in the coming months.

The silos of Symaga have been designed to serve the main purpose of these new installations: storing and preserving the legume's quality before processing. 

The orders include accessories mainly aimed at protecting the product, such as our roof vents for fumigation, which provide perfect grain aeration with constant air flows; and at the same time, our special sealing foam for the silo roof to avoid the entry of rain or snow and to successfully carry out fumigation treatments.

Another accessory that prevents segregation, grain breakage, and dust creation is our grain stopper system, a system composed of channels and deflector plates. The silos also include sensors to detect maximum levels, in this sense rotative sensors have been installed, very sensitive; as well as our membrane sensors to detect minimum levels, which are very robust, do not require power, and incorporate a regulation column that allows adjusting the sensitivity.

Symaga would like to congratulate Legumbres Pedro for this great project and would like to thank you for your confidence in us. At Symaga we always look forward to adding avant-garde references in Spain

-By Ana Escamilla, Marketing Manager, VCARD CONTACT, 
Symaga Silos  

Source: Email/GFMM

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