Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:44

Van Aarsen has installed another pelting line for spelt mills in Germany

Van Aarsen has installed another pelting line for spelt mills in Germany

Van Aarsen has installed another pelting line for spelt mills in Germany We are proud to announce that we have just installed another pelleting line for spelt mills (the shells of spelt) in Germany. This pelleting line is installed at one of our loyal customers in Germany: Rölkens in Neuss. In 2007, we installed a similar pelleting line for their feed mill in Dusseldorf. In the past, spelt mills were seen as waste and the transport costs were very high. By pelleting the spelt mills they can be used as an ingredient in the compound feed. After pelleting, the spelt mills therefore generate money and the transport costs are much lower. Resulting in the fact that the pelleting of spelt mills is becoming increasingly important in Germany. –By Van Aarsen International Source: Online/SZK

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