Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:49

USSoy production and exports are becoming more interconnected

USSoy production and exports are becoming more interconnected

USSoy production and exports are becoming more interconnected With USSoy production and exports becoming ever more interconnected with growing demand for renewable diesel and biofuels. I am very pleased that we could round out this year with a virtual session of global experts to share timely and interesting information, trends and analyses.   Great hearing from Dr. James Fry of LMC International Ltd who projects that USSoy acres and yields will grow over the next few years, further cementing our prediction that export availability won’t decline — even with additional domestic demand. I’m also thankful for Mac Marshall, Scott Gerlt and Alexa Combelic’s insights, which demonstrate why I am bullish on continued growth in global demand. U.S. Soy's Outlook: Production, Crush, Exports - U.S. Soybean Export Council -By Jim Sutter |Source: Online/KSU

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