Poster in Sep 28, 2022 23:39:04

UN fears: The world may face a food crisis in 2023

UN fears: The world may face a food crisis in 2023

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The United Nations fears that there may be a severe food crisis in the world next year. According to David Bissle, head of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), food shortages and rising commodity prices will not only lead to famine but will also increase inequality and social unrest in various countries. He called upon the billionaires of the world, including the Arab world, to come forward to help financially to avoid this situation. He said, if they give a few days of profit in this sector, it is possible to overcome the crisis.

Due to climate change, Corona, and Russia-Ukraine war, the number of hungry people in the world has increased several times in the last few years. In a recent discussion, Beasley said, when he took charge of the United Nations Food Division five and a half years ago, about 80 million people around the world did not have enough food. It was thought that the number could be reduced, but it has increased to 34.5 crores.

According to UN data, Ukraine feeds 4 billion people worldwide, but almost all of its grain exports have been cut off due to the war. Russia is the second largest exporter of fertilizers and one of the largest producers of grain, but due to Western sanctions, their products do not reach the world market properly. China, the largest producer, has imposed a ban on fertilizer exports. As a result, crop production in other countries is suffering. Again, agricultural production is disrupted due to excessive heat and lack of rain in various countries including India.

In this situation, the United Nations is emphasizing as soon as possible to fix the supply of fertilizers, strengthen the distribution system of crops and reach the people below the poverty line. For that, they are calling the world's wealthy people to come forward. The US and European countries have already paid for food safety. Beasley urged that even a small part of the profits made by the Arab world, especially due to the high price of crude oil, should be used for the benefit of the poor.

However, food prices in the world market have been falling for five months. The food price index of FAO stood at 138 points in August, despite this, the food price index increased by 7.9 percent in August this year compared to August last year. Although food prices have increased this year, there is no shortage. But FAO fears a food crisis in the world market in March-April of next year.

|Source: Online/SZK

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