Poster in Nov 05, 2023 14:04:35

Türkiye Ekonomi Newspaper introduced the leading names of the milling and feed sector

Türkiye Ekonomi Newspaper introduced the leading names of the milling and feed sector

The milling and feed sector, which plays an important role in Turkey's economic growth, found a special place in the Turkish Economy Newspaper with the participation of DESMUD (Mill and Sector Machinery Manufacturers Association) members. In the news, Alapala, Bastak, imaj Kalip, Makpen, Basaranlar Makina,  Ugur Promilling, Imas Makina, Safa Degirmen, Makine ve Enerji A.S., Degirmencioglu Machinery, Emta Machinery, Dura Machinery and Sade Machinery, which are the leading companies of the sector and DESMUD members, were introduced. 

This special news touched on the success stories of these companies that contribute to the development of the sector and add great value to Turkey's national economy. These companies, each of which is specialized in its own field, have been known for their determination to produce quality products and the importance they attach to customer satisfaction for years.

DESMUD members draw attention to their quality products both in Turkey and in the international market. Thanks to their investments in advanced technology and R&D studies, they maintain their leading position in the sector. It is emphasized that these companies have made significant contributions to Turkey's growth and exports in the food industry.

Turkiye Ekonomi Newspaper emphasizes the importance of the milling and feed sector by introducing the devoted work of DESMUD members and their leadership in the sector. This news provides an exciting look at the future growth and development of the industry.

Source: Online/GFMM

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