Training plans have been introduced for proposing and coordinating courses taught in groups
Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:50
Training plans have been introduced for proposing and coordinating courses taught in groups
Training Plan
In the last months of this past year, the Training Plan has been launched in order to the offer and coordination of courses taught in the Group, that to date, these courses were managed departmentally. The objective is to create a two-way flow that involves both employees and managers for the selection of courses, and analyse the effectiveness of all training. This plan aims to become a motivating engine for Human Resources, so that the work life of colleagues is a process of continuous learning, which allows the employee to develop professionally and personally.
The main focus of this plan is a Working Table formed by Directors and Training Coordinator. Directors propose a plan for each department, that is obtained from analysis and identification process of training lacks, detecting problems that affects motivation and productivity; and collecting every colleague demand, who should propose course to improve the performance of their tasks. The annual plan deals with obsolescence and professional wear and qualify to Symaga team to improve their daily tasks or adaptation to new jobs. This Human Resources training allow professional promotion and versatility, achieving greater independence from labour market.
Symaga is committed to Training to reinforce its Human Resources, as a clear competitive advantages. Training develops the necessary skills for the efficient performance of work, which drives the growth of the company.
-By Ana Escamilla, Marketing Manager|
Source: Email/KSU
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