Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:44

Topic Spotlight: Ransomware and Cybersecurity

Topic Spotlight: Ransomware and Cybersecurity

[caption id="attachment_5652" align="aligncenter" width="1014"]Topic Spotlight: Ransomware and Cybersecurity Inset: Heather Hughes and Greg Beck. Picture: Collected[/caption]

CEC 2020 to feature critical advice on cybersecurity

Heather Hughes, vice president at Stroz Fienberg, and NGFA First Vice Chairman Greg Beck, senior vice president of CGB Enterprises’ Grain Division, will join forces to spotlight ransomware, a serious cybersecurity threat to businesses in terms of time, money and data. Heather will detail ransomware attacks and business email compromises (including the huge uptick in these activities since COVID-19), with Greg providing an unflinching look at just how disruptive ransomware attacks can be to agribusiness organizations. Heather and Greg will then provide tested, expert tips and tricks to help safeguard your organization. Q & A with Heather Hughes, Cybersecurity Expert Every October since 2003 has been recognized as National Cyber Security Awareness Month “to ensure that every individual stays safe and secure online.” In the spirit of awareness, Heather joined NGFA for a Q&A about cybersecurity:
  • Why should NGFA members register for CEC and take time to learn about cybersecurity?
Hughes: An organization’s cybersecurity is only as strong as the weakest entry point and that is usually an employee who unknowingly opens an attachment, clicks on a link or enters their user credentials into the wrong place.
  • What is your first piece of advice for companies trying to assess the strength of their cybersecurity?
Hughes: Ask yourself: Does our Business Continuity Plan include a robust Cyber Incident Response Plan? Do we know what to do if attacked?
  • What are the biggest cybersecurity threats right now?
Hughes: Employees, key service providers, customers and vendors all create opportunities for threat actors to attack organizations through phishing, malware and ransomware. We have seen a huge uptick in ransomware attacks since COVID-19 with ransom demands in the millions of dollars.
  • What do you enjoy most about working in risk management and information security?
Hughes: I get to assist clients when their businesses are under attack and work with them from the emergency status through the investigation and remediation while guiding them into better cybersecurity practices to help ensure they are not victims again. LEARN MORE & REGISTER >> Source: Email/SZK

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