Get FREE resources: We know you're busy and it can be time consuming to develop new training materials, so let us take that one off your plate!
Get FREE training: Throughout the week we will offer safety demos, information and opportunities to learn from experts and others working in the safety industry.
Give awareness: Be intentional this week to raise grain safety awareness alongside others working around the globe and bring safety to the forefront.
Register for this FREE virtual event
Each day at 10 am CST we'll have a 2-hour educational session with a new focus and resources available to you:
Monday 3/29: Standup Kickoff Event.
Tuesday 3/30: Near Miss Reporting.
Wednesday 3/31: Impact of Quality on Safety.
Thursday 4/1: Bin Safety.
Friday 4/2: Emergency Action Plans.
Please share this email to help spread the word to those who handle grain, are in operations or would benefit from safety education and resources. Learn more on the Stand Up 4 Grain Safety webpage or use #StandUp4GrainSafety to search social media for event details and resources available to you.
Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week was first held in 2017 as a local event, and continues to grow as OSHA, NGFA, GEAPS and GHSC combine their talents, resources, and knowledge to develop more training and educational offerings, expand partnerships with other industry organizations and reach across the entire grain industry spectrum. Watch a short video about the week-long event.
Source: Email/SZK
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