The U.S. Grains Council (USGC) welcomed to the United States a group of agriculture industry representatives and buyers from across Taiwan this month, taking part in Export Exchange in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and a post-tour in Chicago and Seattle.
While in the states, the group gained an enhanced understanding of the economic and nutritional value of distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), ethanol and corn quality. After meeting with suppliers and potential new trade partners at Export Exchange, the group headed to Chicago to see U.S. corn, DDGS and ethanol being produced in Illinois. USGC Taiwan Director Michael Lu and USGC Manager of Industry Relations Amelia Iliohan led the group including participants Wen-Chi Wen, Kuei-Hung Lin, Cheng-Cheng Tasi, Chung-Feng Chiang and Chien-Chun Wang.
Follow along on their journey through the photo essay below:
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