Poster in Apr 07, 2022 20:10:37

Symaga's Factory Management Plan 2022

Symaga's Factory Management Plan 2022

Recently, we obtained ISO 45001 re-certification in Safety and Health at work. Symaga became is a safer and healthier place to work since the implementation of a new management system in 2018. We are proud of being the first company certificated in 45001 in the Castilla La Mancha region, and since then we have had 0 work accidents since the beginning of 2022.

Safety and Occupational Risk Prevention measures are included in our new Factory Management Plan 2022, that oversees all actions in occupational risk, environment and quality. ISO 14001 will be re-certificated by the end of the year, as in the months ahead we work to execute strengthening actions such as the renewal of our forklift feet. This year, 25% of the forklift feet is renewed, with electric and pashing our progressively internal combustion units. In addition, waste management is one of the main points to be stressed, as the objective is to increase the number of recycling points and improve separation with more paper containers. Sustainable manufacturing of our silos advances, and in this 2022 we increased green energy consumption: with a new photovoltaic solar energy plant installed in 2020, and set to double in size, we are on track to get more than 50% of our energy consumption from clean, self-generation.

We move towards an Industry 4.0 principle. We begin the implementation of MES-SGA system linked to our ERP. Our goal is to improve factory control to get a more efficient management of raw material and finished product warehouse.

Symaga’s philosophy is one of continuous improvement. This “Factory Management plan 2022” achieves a safer, less contaminated and more efficient workplace, and thus attaining an improvement in our company´s competitiveness.

-By Symaga

|Source: Online/KSU

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