Poster in Sep 18, 2022 23:52:42

Stay safe AND know your grain is in-condition, book a demo to learn more!

Stay safe AND know your grain is in-condition, book a demo to learn more!

At AGI, we offer the industry’s most complete line of Bin Monitoring solutions.  Its easy to get started. You can maximize your profit and ensure your grain’s safety all in the palm of your hand.

Managing over 500 million bushels annually, BinManager® is the industry’s leading grain bin management solution, and the only option on the market to offer a fully automated preservation and conditioning solution. As a part of SureTrack FARM®, BinManager’s integrated hardware and software provides a seamless grain storage management experience. The 3D visuals on the AGI SureTrack® online dashboard, combined with industry-leading customer support, put grain storage and conditioning decisions at your fingertips.

BinCheck Deluxe
BinCheck® Deluxe is one of the bin monitoring solutions offered through AGI SureTrack®. BinCheck Deluxe provides easy-to-use grain bin monitoring with precise reporting on moisture and temperature levels of stored grain. With integrated hardware and software, BinCheck Deluxe provides a seamless grain bin monitoring experience. The AGI SureTrack online reporting tool brings data to your fingertips, allowing you to see what’s going on inside your bin through user-friendly charts, graphs and 3D visuals. Combine this with industry-leading customer support and you have the ultimate grain bin monitoring system to help you maximize your profits.

Easy on-site access without an internet connection. While at your bin site, get live temperature and moisture readings using the BinCheck® Bluetooth® app on your smartphone. The data is shown in easy-to-read tables, helping you decide when to run the fans and heaters to keep your grain in condition. Read up to eight cables per bin and sync multiple bins with BinCheck on the app.

|Source: Online/SZK

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