Antimicrobial use in animals or humans could lead to antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which weakens our ability to prevent and treat future infections. Recognizing the responsibility to safeguard the efficacy of these essential medicines, the following organizations announce their endorsement of science-based antimicrobial use stewardship principles that promote the health of poultry to avoid the need to use antimicrobials:
* Association of Poultry Processors and Poultry Trade in the EU Countries (AVEC)
* Baromfi Termék Tanács (BTT), a Hungarian poultry association
* Bundesverband der Geflügelschlachtereien e.V (BVG), a German poultry association
* Fédération des Industries Avicoles (FIA), a French poultry industry federation
* Krajowa Rada Drobiarstwa – Izba Gospodarcza, the National Poultry Council for Poland
* Vereniging van de Nederlandse Pluimveeverwerkende Industrie (NEPLUVI), a Dutch poultry association
* Yum! Brands
A cornerstone of the United States Agency of International Development (USAID)’s Transformational Strategies for Farm Output Risk Mitigation (TRANSFORM) project led by Cargill, the antimicrobial use stewardship principles were developed by the International Poultry Council (IPC) to drive global change throughout the animal agriculture industry by guiding actions to avoid the need to use, but when needed, ensure proper use of antimicrobials. By generating support from the global poultry industry for science-based principles to address antimicrobial use, the industry is acting to combat AMR and reduce its impact on global health security.
These seven organizations join 19 other organizations in endorsing or adopting antimicrobial use stewardship principles that reduce the need to use antimicrobials at the farm level. Previously announced supporters include the Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam (AHAV), Asociación Latinoamericana de Avicultura (ALA), Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA), British Poultry Council (BPC), Canadian Poultry & Egg Processors (CPEP), Cargill, Inc., Chicken Farmers of Canada (CFC), DABACO Group, Federación Nacional de Avicultores de Colombia (FENAVI), Hoa Phat, Kenchic Limited, McDonald’s, Poultry Federation of India (PFI), Srinivasa Farms, Thai Broiler Processing Exporters Association (TBA), Turkey Farmers of Canada (TFC), Tyson Foods, Unione Nazionale Filiere Agroalimentari Carni e Uova (UNAITALIA), and Vietnam Poultry Association (VIPA).
“By proactively supporting science-based antimicrobial use principles, the private sector is sending a clear message that antimicrobial stewardship is good business,” said Ricardo Santin, IPC President. “We hope others are inspired to make the same commitments to stewardship, adopting science-based practices that both improve animal health and deliver benefits to their bottom line.”
Collectively, 26 organizations have supported the antimicrobial use stewardship principles, reaching over 140 countries and representing over 40% of global poultry meat production spanning all sectors of poultry production from fully integrated systems to small farms. Each of these organizations are demonstrating industry leadership in their commitment to these principles, recognizing that action starts at the farm.
By adopting or endorsing the principles, organizations are committed to encouraging or taking action that centers around four key points. First, organizations agree to take a risk-based approach around each instance of antimicrobial use and consider why, when, which, and how much to administer. Second, organizations agree to adopt farm management practices that improve animal health and reduce the need for antimicrobial use. Third, organizations commit to using antimicrobials only in compliance with national authorizations, and, fourth, that antimicrobials critically important for human medicine should only be used under a supervising veterinarian’s diagnosis and oversight.
“AMR is a global issue, and it will take a global response to ensure antibiotics remain a viable option to treat diseases in both animals and humans,” said Annie Kneedler, TRANSFORM Chief of Party. “By working across the public and private sector, we can identify market-driven solutions that improve animal health, both reducing the risk of AMR and helping safeguard global health security from other emerging disease threats.”
Led by a private-sector consortium that includes Cargill, Heifer International, and IPC, TRANSFORM works in Kenya, India, and Vietnam to advance market-driven animal health solutions that increase global health security by combatting zoonotic disease and AMR. By working throughout the value chain leveraging a total systems approach, TRANSFORM aims to drive lasting, systemic change through on-farm practices, holistic animal nutrition research, antimicrobial use stewardship, and access to finance to support animal health and economic sustainability.
Since TRANSFORM launched in 2021, it has provided training to over 80,000 farmers in India and Kenya, with 96% reporting reduced animal mortality and nearly one-third reporting an increased income after adopting one or a new biosecurity or farm management practice. TRANSFORM has worked with nearly 50 organizations in India and Kenya to improve financial products and services for farmers, deploying nearly $1 million in financing to farmers. TRANSFORM’s research portfolio includes 22 trials to study the impact of animal nutrition on priority pathogens and antimicrobial-resistant genes.
For more information about TRANSFORM, visit
Source: Online/GFMM
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