Poster in Apr 21, 2022 21:52:37

Set a target of 2 crore 3 lakh 75 thousand tons of rice production in the whole country

Set a target of 2 crore 3 lakh 75 thousand tons of rice production in the whole country

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In the current season (2022-23), the Department of Agricultural Extension has set a target of cultivating transplanted aman, aus and bona aman paddy in 72 lakh 15 thousand 200 hectares across the country. Ropa, Bona Aman and Aush production target has been set at 2 crore 3 lakh 35 thousand 725 metric tons (rice). Aus paddy cultivation has already started in many places. Cultivation of sown aman has also started in the land of field. The work of making seedbed of transplanted aman is also going on.

Last season, Aus was cultivated in 11 lakh 83 thousand 133 hectares, Ropa Aman in 56 lakh 20 thousand 700 hectares and Aman paddy sown in 89 thousand 539 hectares. And 32 lakh 44 thousand 889 tons of aus, 1 crore 57 lakh 49 thousand 900 tons of transplanted aman and 3 lakh 54 thousand 514 tons of sown aman were produced (in rice).

According to the head office of the Department of Agricultural Extension in Dhaka Khamarbari, this time hybrid will be cultivated in 63,800 hectares, high yielding in 11 lakh 68 thousand hectares and local variety aus paddy will be cultivated in 7,050 hectares. Aush production target has been set at 36 lakh 90 thousand 420 tons. The average yield per hectare has been fixed at 2.82 tons. Ropa aman will be cultivated in 56 lakh 20 thousand 725 hectares. Of this, hybrids will be cultivated in 3 lakh 5 thousand 870 hectares, high yielding in 46 lakh 26 thousand 205 hectares and local variety Ropa Aman will be cultivated in 6 lakh 88 thousand 650 hectares.

The production target of transplanted aman has been set at 1 crore 59 lakh 86 thousand tons. The average yield per hectare is 2.84 tons (rice). Sown aman will be cultivated in 98,300 hectares. Production target has been set at 7 lakh 85 thousand 637 tons. Over the years, the Department of Agricultural Extension has taken initiatives to increase aus cultivation. Seed fertilizer and cash are being provided as incentives to marginal and poor farmers.

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