Poster in Mar 31, 2022 22:06:53

Pran-RFL Group has been welcomed by the Aybakar Family

Pran-RFL Group has been welcomed by the Aybakar Family

Pran-RFL Group,

Wellcome to Aybakar Family!

As we Aybakar, we established in 1932. We did 600+ turnkey projects more than 65 countries. We proudly announce that we start production of 500 tons/day wheat flour mill in Bangladesh for Pran-RFL Group.

Thank you for choosing us after very detailed discussions.

Pran-RFL Group, one of the largest conglomerates in the country, plans to make huge investments to manufacture edible oil, flour, pulses, salt and other consumer staples to reposition itself as a leader in the consumer goods market.

As we Aybakar, we are highly honored to be part of this project.

Pandemic restrictions made our lifes and business tough but we never give up.During the pandemic we enlarged our market with Argentina, Chile,Paraguay,Ecuador,Papua New Guinea,Ivory Coast,New Guinea,Austria,Italy,Lithuania,Nigeria,Egypt,Bosnia Herzigova,Pakistan.

It was really hard two years for all world But 2022 is a New Year full of new hopes, and we wish to realize those hopes armed with the knowledge of the last two years.

-By Aybakar

|Source: Email/GFMM

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