Poster in Feb 26, 2023 12:31:56

Pneumatic Discharge System for HUM Stack Type Cookers

Pneumatic Discharge System for HUM Stack Type Cookers

Material level control at each stage is essential in the properly executed cooking process. While the seeds are accumulating in the stages and reached the high-level limit, PLC is counting pre-determined free time and pneumatic pistons are opening the discharge chute.

 It is important to emphasize that free time between the high-level signal received and gate opening, as well as high-level and low-level values, can be adjusted to regulate the product level.

 With the best automation systems, everything is under your control.

 HUM Companies build turnkey plants and plant units with its own engineering in the edible oil sector worldwide, manufacture the machines and systems used at oilseeds crushing and edible oil refining plants, gives direction to the renovation investments with the engineering service provided by its expert staff.

HUM Oil & Fat Technologies


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