Poster in Oct 24, 2022 22:56:28

New Grain Wireless Spear: The monitoring device you need is ready!

New Grain Wireless Spear: The monitoring device you need is ready!

Orders are now open for the Wireless Sensor Spear!

Our production team has been busy preparing the Wireless Sensor Spears and we are now ready to receive orders. This spear is the latest addition to our portfolio of products and we are excited to offer them to existing and new customers.

A powerful wireless monitoring system

In both small and large-scale farming, there is a crucial need to monitor stored crops' temperature and humidity levels to avoid losses, control the drying process, and ensure quality control. 

To help farmers and industry, we made the CSS-TM, a Wireless Sensor Spear that accurately monitors the temperature and moisture of any stored crops (hay, potatoes, beets, wood chips, and various grain types). Designed for rugged use, it can be moved around easily to measure storage conditions in any location, as well as being permanently placed to provide information on stored crops.

Through GSM technology, the data collected by the sensors in the spear is uploaded to the AgroLog App allowing farmers, facility managers, and other end-users in the agriculture industry to monitor crop and environmental conditions at all times remotely.

In our app, you can choose the frequency of measurements, and when the app should send you warnings when thresholds are reached.

We believe that no matter how far you are from your crops, each farmer should have the opportunity to keep an eye on their barn to avoid any kind of damage.

Supertech Agroline


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