[caption id="attachment_7754" align="aligncenter" width="650"] During an International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC) event, Ricardo Calderon chats with USGC South Asia Regional Director Alejandra Danielson Castillo, who, at the time, served as USGC global trade manager.[/caption]
The International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC) awarded Ricardo Calderón López, executive director of the Agricultural Product Providers Association of Mexico (APPAMEX), one of the first-ever Prix d’Honneur pour Service Volontaire, French for “honorary award for volunteer service,” on June 10.
APPAMEX, the grain trade association of Mexico, and Calderón are long-time friends and partners of the U.S. Grains Council (USGC). Maintaining U.S. trading relations in Mexico, one of the Council’s top trading partners, has been a priority of the Council’s work for years.
“The Council values Ricardo Calderón’s nearly two decades championing the U.S.-Mexico agricultural supply chain relationship and eliminating risk to the U.S. grain export system. From helping Mexico carry out biosafety protocols to promoting NAFTA modernization talks that made the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) a reality, Ricardo embodies the Council’s mission to enhance our trading relationship with Mexico through open markets without barriers to cross-border trade,” said Ryan LeGrand, USGC president and CEO.
APPAMEX counts among its membership nearly all the major grain traders, end-user groups, railroad and logistic companies in Mexico that move product between the U.S. and Mexico. APPAMEX works closely with the Council to keep trade open between the two countries.
“Calderón continues to advocate for the North American trading bloc, helping apprise Mexico’s government on how important this trading relationship is to Mexico’s livestock sector and its consumers. The Council greatly appreciates Calderón’s partnership and congratulates him on earning the Prix d’Honneur pour Service Volontaire award,” LeGrand said.
The award was presented to two grain trade representatives for their exceptional contributions to the progress of the sector and the aims of IGTC: Calderon and Krista Thomas, vice president of the Canada Grains Council.
IGTC is a federation of non-profit organizations – of which the Council is a member – formed to serve the greater good by promoting and facilitating the performance of the supply chain for grains, oilseeds, pulses and derived products. –By U.S. GRAINS COUNCIL
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