Poster in Feb 16, 2022 10:05:13

Malaysian palm oil prices have risen

Malaysian palm oil prices have risen

Malaysian palm oil prices have risen on fears of a downward spiral. However, due to the slowdown in exports, the market price of the product was down for two consecutive weeks. News Business Recorder.

According to the data, the price of palm oil, the standard of the Malaysian market in Bursa Malaysia Derivatives, has risen by 0.81%. The price per ton has been fixed at 5,580 Ringgit or 1,332 dollars 38 cents. Earlier, the price of the product had dropped by 1.1 percent. In the last week, the price has decreased by 0.66 percent.

A Kuala Lumpur-based trader said palm oil production in Malaysia is expected to decline this month. The country's production will be down for four consecutive months. Last January, the production was 1.3 million tons, which is 10 percent less than the previous month. With this, the production has come down to the lowest level since February last year. At the end of the month, stocks of the product may also decrease, which is helping to increase prices.

As of February 10, Malaysia's palm oil exports were down 5 to 6.5 percent from the same period last month. On the other hand, at the end of January, the stock of the product has decreased more than expected. Reserves have dropped to a six-month low. Because production and imports were also down in that month.

|Source: Online/KSU

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