Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:50

In-Person Corn Harvest Quality Rollout Event Takes Place In Dubai

In-Person Corn Harvest Quality Rollout Event Takes Place In Dubai

The next stop on the U.S. Grains Council's (USGC's) Corn Harvest Quality Report tour was in Dubai this week, where buyers and end users in the Middle East/Africa region came together. In addition to the report findings, attendees learned more about the value of distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and corn co-products in feed formulation. As its first in-person event in two years, the U.S. Grains Council’s (USGC’s) Middle East/Africa office hosted a corn crop quality seminar in Dubai this week. The seminar was used to present the Council’s recent findings of the 2021/2022 Corn Harvest Quality Report to approximately 40 regional importers, feed manufacturers and feed users in the region. Attendees included prospective buyers and end users from Tunisia, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman and Israel. The multi-day event offered participants a variety of educational opportunities. The program began with comments from Lucas Blaustein, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) regional agricultural attaché in the UAE, followed by USGC Manager of Global Trade Reece Cannady presenting the findings of the 2021/2022 Corn Harvest Quality Report. USGC Chairman Chad Willis then gave attendees insight on the United States’ 2021 growing season before handing it over to Dr. Alvaro Garcia, a livestock nutritionist with Dellait. Garcia provided an overview of U.S. corn digestible starch values against other origins – an ongoing program which the Council has undertaken to demonstrate the economic advantages of U.S. corn with its higher availability of digestible starch compared to other origins. Presentations on U.S. corn storage practices by Dr. Dirk Maier of Iowa State University and U.S. corn supply and demand by Dr. Rory Deverell of StoneX rounded out the first day’s speakers. “Going into my year as chairman, I chose my theme as Together in Trade knowing how important it is for those around the world to work together to prosper,” Willis said. “The importance of global partnerships has never been more apparent than now.” The second day of the seminar focused on the value of distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and corn co-products in feed formulation, specifically in the diets of large animals, poultry and aquaculture. Dr. Scott Tilton, food animal nutritionist and technical sales advisor for The Andersons, provided information on large animals, while Dr. Kevin Herrick, technical service director nutrition for POET, spoke on poultry. Dr. Dominique Bureau, professor at the University of Guelph in Canada, provided an overview of DDGS uses in aquaculture. Joe Taft of DeLong Company also led a discussion on container freight – a topic of keen interest in the region today. “These workshops are really a key opportunity to put U.S. exporters together in the same room with regional grain buyers to discuss prospects for the upcoming year,” said Kurt Shultz, USGC senior director of global strategies. “There is a tangible thirst for knowledge and an exchange of ideas, and these workshops and the side meetings provide a key opportunity for Council staff and members to promote U.S.-origin feed grains.” In addition to the corn harvest quality report seminar, one-on-one meetings with key importer companies were held each day to discuss and promote the quality and value of U.S. corn and corn co-products. The seminar allowed the Council to continue expanding its influence in the Middle East/Africa region, highlighting the added value of U.S. corn and corn co-products with major importers there. The Council’s corn harvest quality report rollout events continue around the world, entering the Western Hemisphere next week. -By U.S. Grains Council |Source: Online/KSU

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