Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:48

How to retain your employees when everything is changing

How to retain your employees when everything is changing

How to retain your employees when everything is changingBreakout Session:

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How to retain your employees when everything is changing


The only constant is change: our industries are changing, technology is changing, our employees are changing and our businesses are changing. But changes are not successful if we only focus on WHAT is changing, the success stories happen when we also focus on WHO is being asked to change – our employees. In this session Kristen Ireland and Erin Mies, principals at People Spark Consulting, will discuss the typical process all people go through during changes, identify how you can understand what your employees need from you in the change and, most critically, share favorite tools to support your employees and encourage them to buy into these changes.


Come to Chicago because...CONVENING IS EMPOWERING.We all need to renew, restore, and remember why we do what we do. This happens best when we are in the company of those who share our passion. It allows us to soak in the vitality of an entire industry.

Register virtually because...YOU ARE IN CHARGE. Virtual attendance allows you to choose when you engage with CEC content. If you can't travel Dec. 7-9 register for virtual attendance instead. Use technology to your advantage.
NGFA will abide by any public health and safety requirements mandated by federal, state, and county governments and by hotel management that are in place during the time of the event.
-By National Grain and Feed Association |Source: Email/GFMM

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