Poster in Feb 24, 2022 15:59:11

French agricultural Recovery plan: 1.2 billion Euros for the agricultural sector

French agricultural Recovery plan: 1.2 billion Euros for the agricultural sector

To continue to modernise French agriculture and prepare its various sectors for tomorrow's challenges of good eating and ecological transition, the government's recovery plan puts 1.2 billion Euros on the table. In addition to encouraging farmers to take animal welfare into account and to commit to high environmental quality, the plan also aims to support employment.

How can we make our agriculture the agriculture of the 21st century? How can we help it to cope with the climate emergency and remain competitive while integrating the notions of sustainable development? The France Recovery Plan is 100 billion Euros of investment by the State over 2 years to revive the French economy and promote employment. All economic sectors are benefiting. The agricultural sector is not left out and benefits from an envelope of 1.2 billion Euros to advance on 22 points. Already one year after its deployment, 25,000 projects of farmers and agri-food companies committed to environmentally friendly approaches have been supported for a total of 580 million Euros.

Investing in animal welfare
The projects that are most eligible for financial support for livestock farmers relate to the issue of animal welfare. As a matter of fact, the recovery plan provided for the creation of a "bio-security-animal welfare" pact for livestock farming, with the aim of enabling farmers to invest in strengthening the prevention of animal diseases and improving farming conditions. In the pork, beef and even poultry sectors, the issue of animal welfare is seen as important, while some consumers view it with an anthropomorphic eye, as Space president Marcel Denieul points out.

Accelerating the agro-ecological transition
The second part of the recovery plan for the agricultural sector concerns the acceleration of the agro-ecological transition both to continue to provide healthy, sustainable and local food and to help the sectors to cope with the now inevitable climatic hazards. Farmers must be able to adapt to the ecological emergency and to help them do so, tax credits will be offered to farmers whose farms are certified HQE (high environmental quality). Credits will also be used to structure sectors, particularly organic and high environmental value sectors. Finally, investment aid will be offered to farmers as part of the conversion to more efficient equipment. “We need to become more self-sufficient. This is particularly true of protein production. The dairy sector is more autonomous than the pig sector on this subject”, explains Frédéric Jan, president of Entrepreneurs des territoires (ETA) for the Brittany region. According to him, the investments of the recovery plan will allow innovation "in agro-ecology in order to gradually do without phytosanitary products". Luc Vermeulen, president of the national federation of CUMAs (cooperatives for the use of agricultural equipment) is the guest of the podcast La voix de l'élevage. He advocates the place of CUMA in the recovery plan, particularly in three areas: “protein autonomy, the ecological transition and climatic hazards. We were able to highlight the capacity of the collectives to be real actors in the transitions. We were heard by the Ministry of Agriculture, which is a real recognition of the capacity of our groups to respond to these challenges.”

Recruitment aids
The recovery plan also takes into account the issue of employment. In the agricultural sector, half of the farm managers will retire by 2030. To encourage the transfer of ownership and make young people want to work in this sector, which provides jobs, employment aids are also offered to farmers as part of the young people's employment initiative contracts (CIE) or the Employment Skills Pathway (PEC). Aid for the recruitment of young people less than 26 years of age and apprentices is also planned. It remains to be seen how many farmers will manage to take advantage of these measures and benefit from this crucial aid for the future.

|Source: Online/GFMM

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