Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:46

First crop of the PATB paddy program of Indonesia Cilacap is satisfactory

First crop of the PATB paddy program of Indonesia Cilacap is satisfactory

[caption id="attachment_6830" align="aligncenter" width="698"]First crop of the PATB paddy program of Indonesia Cilacap is satisfactory Picture Collected[/caption] The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) has continued its efforts to meet the demand for national food stocks. One of these is through a program that is currently the mainstay of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is the Expansion of New Rice Planting Areas (PATB). In Cilacap, the first program was successfully completed from this program. PATB is a program to increase rice production by utilizing new land that has never been planted, such as intercropping with plantation areas, forestry, swamps, ex-mining excavations and so on. PATB is also in line with the hopes of the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) who seeks to increase agricultural production many times. Moreover, this sector has enormous potential in growing the national economy. “The Covid-19 virus disaster should not stop agricultural activities. The Ministry of Agriculture will continue to optimize agricultural human resources to boost production and productivity and even export, "he explained. The head of the Ministry of Agriculture's Agricultural Human Resources Counseling and Development Agency (BPPSDMP), Dedi Nursyamsi, said that agricultural people should be grateful because the agricultural sector can still survive in providing food for the community during the Covid-19 pandemic. "One thing that supports this achievement is the role of Kostratani, which is expected to be able to strengthen production and coordination of agricultural stakeholders such as extension workers, farmers and business actors at the field level through digital media," said Dedi. As one of the prominent rice centers, Cilacap also contributes to additional rice production through farmer groups scattered throughout the Cilacap Regency. At the end of February and early March 2021, the harvest from the PATB program was started, which started planting upland rice in November 2020. Rice harvesting activities are currently being carried out, including Poktan Sari Reja and Forest Village Community Institution Group (LMDH) Giri Mulyo as implementers of the PATB program in the area under the auspices of the Kostratani Sidareja Agricultural Extension Center. Yusuf Irianto, BPP Coordinator for Sidareja District, added that this is a good start. "From the results of inpari 33 ubinan variety carried out by Poktan Sari Reja, it reaches 5.5 kg, with a province of 8.8 tons / ha. If the PATB area is 20 ha, then the production will be almost 176 tonnes. Meanwhile, the yield of Situ Bagendit ubi varieties in the LMDH Giri Mulyo group was 6.1 kg with a province of 9.76 tons / ha. If the PATB area is 5 ha, the production will be around 48.8 tonnes. The total harvest area in Sidareja District, from 1380 ha, has increased by 25 ha, "said Yusuf. Find more. Source: Online/SZK

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