Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:44

FAO-Rabobank to create sustainable food system

FAO-Rabobank to create sustainable food system

FAO-Rabobank to create sustainable food system The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Rabobank have partnered to help the rural population benefit from a more inclusive sustainable food system. This partnership will explore the use of financial instruments to bridge financial gaps in emerging markets and to increase sustainability in food system investments. The FAO and Rabobank will work with key food and agriculture sectors on a variety of projects designed to improve greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, land and water use, and empower smallholder farmers to address the challenges of climate change and food loss. . Special attention will be given to ensure inclusion of poor, vulnerable and marginalized groups including women and youth. The partnership’s projects will support FAO’s Hand-in-Hand initiative, which matches donors and recipients to support tailor-made, country-led efforts to assist the most vulnerable populations. The private sector is a key partner in the initiative, and Rabobank, as a global leader in food and agriculture financing and sustainability-oriented banking, is well-placed to assist in designing such interventions. “The new partnership between FAO and Rabobank will serve to support our work to transform food systems so that they can become more inclusive and sustainable, especially within the context of the COVID-19 response and the need to build back, better,” said Qu Dongyu, director-general of the FAO. “In particular it will focus on improved land and water use, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and food loss while increasing the resilience of farmers and small-scale businesses. I also wish to thank Rabobank’s support to FAO’s Hand-In-Hand Initiative, which aims, through specific country-led interventions, to assist the most vulnerable populations.” Find more... Source: Online/SZK

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