Poster in Sep 10, 2024 12:22:49

Enhancing the Strength of Chicken Eggshells

Enhancing the Strength of Chicken Eggshells

Strengthening the Shells of Chicken Eggs Eggshells from weak, thin, or soft chickens can cause malformations in the chicks, as well as other problems like income loss. There are many strategies to stop shell strength loss to guarantee the most prolific laying hens.

Why Soft or Weak Eggs May Be Laid by Hens.

Hens may lay weak or soft eggs for a variety of reasons. While any hen may occasionally lay soft eggs and have fragile eggshells, any hen that is laying soft eggs frequently or more frequently may be experiencing these problems. 

Overproduction: A hen is more likely to lay more soft eggs if she lays too many eggs too quickly. A bird’s oviduct takes about 24 hours to properly deposit an eggshell, so faster laying will result in weaker eggshells.

Nutritional deficiencies: The development of eggshells might be impeded by an insufficient diet. This may be the consequence of an issue such as inadequate calcium intake or just insufficient feed, particularly on hot days when chickens get lethargic and may not receive enough nutrition to produce robust eggs.

Hormone Deficiency: An unbalanced hen’s eggs may have softer or thinner shells. As hens get older and reach the end of their most productive egg-laying years, this happens more frequently.

Stress: Strong eggs may be difficult to lay for a stressed hen. Stress can stem from a variety of sources, including predator presence, flock bullying, relocating to a new coop, and changes in laying production and egg strength.

Thyroid Dysfunction: If a hen’s thyroid, which is a gland near the base of her neck, isn’t working properly, she won’t be able to absorb calcium as well as make her eggs stronger and thicker.

Molting: During hens’ regular molts, their bodies use the nutrition they get to make new, strong feathers to replace the ones they shed. Consequently, weaker or thinner eggshells are common during molting.

Ammonia poisoning: Excessive ammonia from dirty coops and excrement accumulation prevents hens from absorbing calcium and forming eggshells appropriately. Ammonia poisoning can be brought on by contaminated food or drink, airborne ammonia, or both.

Dehydration: Simple dehydration can affect a hen’s ability to produce eggs. This is because a slower metabolism and an inability to absorb the nutrients in feed are necessary to create the strongest eggshells, which can result in weaker eggs.

Illness: If a hen falls ill, its body will focus on healing a small wound, bacterial infection, or virus. This might prevent the creation of eggshells, resulting in shells that are momentarily weaker or softer. 

10 Methods for Making Chicken Egg Shells Stronger 

1. Improve Diet: Weak chicken egg shells can have a variety of reasons, so seeing a veterinarian is crucial to receiving the proper diagnosis. If the bird has an injury or nutritional deficit, the veterinarian can offer the best advice on medications, vitamins, and therapies. Improving Nutrition: Naturally, consuming a balanced diet will result in healthier and stronger eggs. Here are some other methods to make chicken eggshells stronger: Increasing the amount of protein, calcium, or vitamin D in the food helps strengthen the eggshell, although this will vary depending on the makeup of the meal and the hen’s specific nutritional requirements.

2. Giving Extra Calcium: Giving chickens an extra calcium source, such as grit that has been enhanced with calcium, will help them absorb the essential minerals. Dark, leafy greens can also be an excellent provider of calcium when used as enrichment fodder.

3. Getting rid of stress: Stress in the flock can result in hormone imbalances and anxiety that affect hens’ ability to lay eggs. Hens can be soothed by reducing stress by reducing overcrowding, keeping pets from agitating the birds, and making sure there are no predators.

4. Keeping Cool: During the hottest months, taking steps to keep chickens cool can improve egg quality. Additional ventilation, plentiful new water, situating the coop in concealed, and giving ice blocks to advancement can all assist with keeping hens cool when temperatures climb.

5. Improving Overall Health: Keeping hens healthy in general always improves egg quality and productivity. Take additional precautions, such as giving the birds good food, maintaining them at the proper weight, and offering suitable enrichment, to ensure that the flock is entirely healthy.

6. Medicine: If a hen has an illness, an accident, or a thyroid problem, the appropriate medicine can hasten her recovery and enhance the quality of her eggs. For the appropriate diagnosis and specific treatment options, consult a veterinarian.

7. Cleaning the Coop: All of the hens will live in a healthier and less stressful environment in a clean coop. Regular cleanup of the excrement will lower the ammonia levels, and better ventilation will put the birds at peace and encourage them to lay more eggs.

8. Ensure Adequate Water Supply: Hens need lots and plenty of water, but it also has to be as fresh and clean as possible. You may ensure that every hen has easy access to water without feeling crowded or anxious by putting up numerous watering stations.

9. Deworming: Internal parasites impact a hen’s intestinal health and nutritional absorption capacity. Regular deworming can assist in maintaining a better digestive balance, ensuring that the hens get the most out of their nutrition and lay eggs that are more robust and healthy.

10. Speak with a Veterinarian: For appropriate care, it’s imperative to obtain veterinarian guidance if soft eggs are laid regularly or if there are other changes in egg production.

Seeing a Veterinarian Right Away If one or more hens start laying soft eggs more frequently or if there are other obvious changes in their egg production, you should see a vet right away. A weak eggshell on occasion is normal, but a persistent or widespread condition will require additional treatment.

Each hen will become more productive and have a stronger eggshell the more steps you can take to make your flock happier and healthier. It is simple to take steps to improve chickens’ egg production and shell strength by comprehending the various causes of weak eggshells.

Poul Tech’s Automated Egg Collection System: Soft Egg Filtering Feature

To further ensure the quality of eggs and maximize productivity, Poul Tech’s automated egg-laying equipment offers a specialized feature at the egg collection system’s end to filter out soft-shelled eggs. This innovative technology ensures only the highest quality eggs are processed and packaged, reducing losses and increasing efficiency in egg production. Integrating such advanced equipment with the practices mentioned above can greatly enhance both the productivity and profitability of poultry farming.

Source: Online/GFMM

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