Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:49

Cybersecurity webinar feat. FBI, CISA | Jan. 19, 10:30 EST

Cybersecurity webinar feat. FBI, CISA | Jan. 19, 10:30 EST

Cyber Threats and Ransomware: A Webinar with the FBI and CISA

Wednesday January 19, 10:30 a.m. EST, Hosted by NGFA


Presented by: Jonathan Halperin Senior Engagement Lead, CISA Jonathan Halperin is a lead for the Industry Section within the newly formed Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC). Within the JCDC, Jonathan focuses on financial organization and preventing ransomware. He also supports other critical infrastructure sector and was the lead author on “Questions Every CEO Should Ask About Cyber Risks.” Henry Heim Supervisory Special Agent, Mission Critical Engagement Unit, FBI Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) Henry C. Heim joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Cyber Division in June 2020, and currently works in Cyber Division’s Mission Critical Engagement Unit (MCEU).  SSA Heim is responsible for coordinating engagement activities in several critical sectors, including Chemical, Emergency Services and Food & Agriculture. -By National Grain and Feed Association |Source: Online/GFMM

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