Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:46

Could expanding ISPO certification be a global solution to Indonesia's palm oil dilemma?

Could expanding ISPO certification be a global solution to Indonesia's palm oil dilemma?

[caption id="attachment_6854" align="aligncenter" width="618"]Could expanding ISPO certification be a global solution to Indonesia's palm oil dilemma? File Photo[/caption] Palm oil has been one of Indonesia most important export commodities over the past two decades. Indonesia’s palm oil production has also gradually increased and the country is now the world’s biggest palm oil producer, with the industry absorbing more than 16 million workers. The palm oil industry’s downstream sector has also become one of the most progressive sectors in Indonesia, providing raw materials for a wide variety of global industries such as food, sanitation and energy. However, palm oil products are facing difficulties in its most important market, the European Union (EU). In its Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), the EU is mandating that a minimum 32 percent of its energy come from renewable sources like biofuel by 2030. RED II requires that the biofuels intended for EU consumption the come from sustainable commodities that do not contribute to deforest...Find more. Source: Online/SZK  

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