Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:48

CEC 2021: Celebrating 50 Years of Elevating Your Business

CEC 2021: Celebrating 50 Years of Elevating Your Business

CEC 2021: Celebrating 50 Years of Elevating Your Business


CEC 2021 is a hybrid event. In-person attendance offers the fully immersive experience you know and love while virtual offers on-demand access to programming.


Do business better in 2022. This year's program will help you get focused, go deeper, think different and think bigger. Watch your email for exciting programming announcements. The trade show is the place to be on-site. Connect with almost 100 exhibitors and network with several hundred attendees during meals and receptions. Make an impression - be a sponsor. Are grain and feed professionals your target customer, client or contact? We've got them! Sponsor CEC and reach an audience of hundreds. Become an award-winning photographer. Enter the annual Grain and Feed Photo Contest for a chance to win $200, $300 or $500!


-By National Grain and Feed Association |Source: Email/GFMM

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