Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:47

Bühler hosts its first Future of Malting Symposium on September 15, 2021

Bühler hosts its first Future of Malting Symposium on September 15, 2021

[caption id="attachment_8077" align="aligncenter" width="866"]Bühler hosts its first Future of Malting Symposium on September 15, 2021 Application Center for grain handling, malting and brewing in Beilngries, Germany[/caption]

The malting market is changing fast – gear up to take full advantage

Beilngries (Germany), August 4, 2021 – Bühler has always been passionate about malting, and now there’s a unique opportunity to take full advantage of that passion and expertise.  It can be hard to keep up with the speed of change in the beverage industry – satisfying the ever-more discerning tastes of consumers while also meeting sustainability requirements – which is why Bühler is hosting its very first Future of Malting Symposium to bring customers up-to-date on the industry developments and Bühler innovations. At this unique event, participants will explore the latest market trends and discover how Bühler’s combination of experience and technical expertise can provide invaluable support to customers. The exciting and varied program includes eight highly focused sessions in which Bühler’s specialists will take a deep dive into topics such as flexibility, digitalization and sustainability, along with insights from representatives of the specialty and craft malt sectors. [caption id="attachment_8078" align="aligncenter" width="1014"] From Top Left: Malt. Top Right: Save water with the washing screw. Bottom Left: Shades of malt. Bottom Right: Scope of malt drinks, showing baijiu, whiskey and beer[/caption] Some of the highlights include a presentation by Johannes Kolb, Sales Manager Malting and Brewing at Bühler Group, who will take the participants on a journey into the future of malting. Daniel Huvet, Managing Partner at D. Huvet Consulting, will talk about what is next in the market. Participants will also get a unique opportunity to hear a customer story with Regiomalz, the first RimoMalt project. There will also be more than 500 opportunities for individual 1:1 meetings with the company’s world-renowned experts to discuss specific needs and receive personally tailored advice, as well as finding out all about Bühler’s fully flexible modular malting plant RimoMalt – a solution that grows along with changing needs. [caption id="attachment_8079" align="aligncenter" width="1014"] RimoMalt, the modular malting solution by Bühler[/caption] “The Future of Malting Symposium will provide some very beneficial insights into the specialty and craft malt market. Our speakers will share their vast experience and explain why they see a bright future in this area – and with the RimoMalt we have a truly innovative and sustainable product that’s helping our customers to achieve new levels of success," says Manuel Kindle, Head of Malting and Brewing, Bühler Group. The event is free and being held virtually on Wednesday September 15, 2021. See the full program. Register now Source: Email/GFMM

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