Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:44

Britain's bread prices could rise

Britain's bread prices could rise

[caption id="attachment_5112" align="aligncenter" width="960"]Britain's bread prices could rise File Photo[/caption] Flour and bread prices continue to rise after what could be the worst UK wheat crop in 40 years, the industry warns. Farmers say that the extreme weather over the last year is likely to mean wheat yields are down by up to 40%. As a result, some millers have already increased the price of flour by 10% and they warn a no-deal Brexit could push up prices even further. And we're likely to see more of the same weather in future, experts say. The UK Met Office told BBC News that the extremes of wet and hot conditions that have marked this year are likely to become more common as our climate continues to change. Wheat farmers have been hit with a triple-whammy of severe weather, according to the National Farmers' Union (NFU). First off, unusually heavy rain in the autumn meant many farmers could not plant as much wheat as they usually would. What they did plant did not thrive in the waterlogged soil. That was followed by the wettest February on record. Storms Ciara and Dennis battered much of the UK in the early and middle of the month, causing widespread flooding. They were followed by Storm Jorge at the end of February. Then we had the very hot and dry spring which caused droughts in many areas of the UK, making it hard for the crop to take up nutrients from the soil. Find more... Source: Online/SZK

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