Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:45

Brazilian soybean companies are committed to zero forest upstream from 2020

Brazilian soybean companies are committed to zero forest upstream from 2020

[caption id="attachment_6359" align="aligncenter" width="1014"]Brazilian soybean companies are committed to zero forest upstream from 2020 File Photo[/caption] Brazilian soy traders CJ Selecta, Caramuru and Imcopa have committed to zero deforestation in their respective supply chains, adding pressure on larger traders to accelerate environmental commitments. Their pledge involves a ban on trading soy grown on land deforested after August 2020 in all of Brazil, going beyond a previous agreements among traders that only applied to the Amazon rainforest. Patricia Sugui, CJ Selecta’s sustainability manager, said the three are part of a group promoting soy sustainability, adding the move to eradicate deforestation from supply chains immediately “is an answer to demands of civil society.” The three companies mostly supply Norway’s salmon industry. Their commitment is the first of its kind for Brazilian soy suppliers, putting pressure on larger players such as Cargill and Bunge, which exported 5.6 million tonnes of soymeal last year, representing 23% of the total, shipping data show. In December, Brazilian oilseeds crushers’ group Abiove, which also represents Cargill and Bunge, said it was “not feasible” to set 2020 as a cut-off date to ban new deforestation and land conversion for soybean areas in the Cerrado savanna, where most of Brazil’s soy is grown. Find more... Source: Online/SZK

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