Poster in Mar 04, 2024 01:52:34

Benefits Of Parboiled Rice

Benefits Of Parboiled Rice

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"The golden egg coat is wrapped in crystal grains of rice, and the faint green peas, red ham, and green onion are like a colorful picture scroll. It is straightforward to teach people to salivate." This is a lot of people. The impression of "Yangzhou fried rice", Yangzhou fried rice is world-famous, focusing on the taste, but also outstanding in its raw materials.

Parboiled rice is the designated standard rice for Yangzhou fried rice and the third type of rice recognized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. After the rice is soaked, boiled, dried, and cooled by a series of hydrothermal treatments and short-term high-pressure steam, it is then hulled and milled to produce natural endogenous nutritious and healthy rice. Parboiled rice is also known as the "noble in the rice", an indispensable staple food for healthy people.

Parboiled rice is not as well-known as polished rice, but it is better in terms of taste and nutrition. In terms of eating, parboiled rice has a refreshing taste and clear grains; in terms of nutrition, after authoritative testing, the content of parboiled rice in B vitamins, dietary fiber, and various minerals is 2-4 times that of ordinary white rice. It is especially suitable for long-term consumption by growing children, pregnant women, people with high blood sugar and diabetes, and sub-healthy people.

Source: Online/GFMM

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