Poster in Aug 17, 2022 23:57:28

As the price of rice increases, the profit increases twice as much

As the price of rice increases, the profit increases twice as much

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The rice currently being sold in the market is obtained from past Aman and Boro plantations. The Department of Agriculture Marketing has calculated that the cost of production per kg of coarse rice received from the last Boro season has fallen to around Tk.39. On the other hand, the highest retail price of coarse rice in the market on August 16, 2022 was Tk 55. It is seen that the difference in the production and selling price of this food product is 16 taka. This profit per kg of rice is to be shared between the mill owner, wholesaler, retailer and transport sector. It has been found that some other circles have entered into it.

According to sources, the profit of rice is not only going to the pockets of mill owners, wholesalers and retailers. It has added more partners. A major part of this goes to the transport sector. Apart from this, there are issues of extortion at various points including highways. In these cases, there are allegations of law enforcement involvement; In addition, in the name of the City Corporation, various fees and charges are levied on goods vehicles to enter the capital.

Amjad Khan of Islam Rice Agency in Badamtali Mokam, Dhaka said that the price of medium-sized rice has increased the most in the last few days. The mill owners have increased the price by about Tk 400 per bag of 50 kg. And due to the increase in fuel prices, he has to add an additional Tk 4 thousand to bring goods from Sherpur per truck.

The Consumer Association of Bangladesh (CAB) is reviewing the impact of increased fuel oil prices on product prices. Advocate Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan, secretary general of the organization said, according to our information, the maximum transport cost of a 10-ton truck has increased by Tk 5,000 due to the increase in fuel prices. Accordingly, due to increase in transportation cost due to fuel, the price of 10 tonne product may increase by 50 paise per kg. Only in case of rice has increased from Tk 5 to 10 per kg. He said, an unscrupulous circle is taking advantage of the increase in fuel prices than the impact on the product.

The secretary general of the CAB said that money is withdrawn from the truck carrying goods under various names including token money, money receipt, welfare association while entering the capital. He said, we have seen that a truck has to pay a token fee of around 70 taka to come from Gabtali to Shyambazar. The concerned city corporation has not yet clarified who takes this fee and whose pocket it goes to. As a result, there are more unscrupulous circles behind the increase in the price of products besides the traders.

It has been found in the market that after the increase in the price of fuel oil, the price of coarse and fine rice has increased by Tk 3 to Tk 5 per kg. Capitalizing on the recent increase in the price of fuel, the price has increased by Tk 200 to Tk 300 per bag at the wholesale market. According to the August 16 data of the Agriculture Marketing Department, the price of fine rice has increased by 15 to 17 percent and the price of coarse and medium rice has increased by about 10 percent in the last one year. In one month, the price of fine rice has increased by about 10 percent and coarse rice by about 5 percent. That is, the price of rice has increased the most in a month. On August 16, small Nazirshail was sold at Tk 70 to Tk 82, miniket at Tk 70 to Tk 76 and coarse and medium rice at Tk 48 to Tk 60 per kg. Even a month ago, the price of these rice was less than 3 to 5 taka per kg.

Director General of Agriculture Marketing Department Abdul Ghaffar Khan said that the price of some products has increased more than the increase in the price of energy. Where Tk 2 should be increased, Tk 4 have been increased. An unscrupulous circle is involved. That is why we have increased market monitoring. Punitive action will be taken against those who take advantage of the opportunity to create instability in the market.

|Source: Online/SZK

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