Alapala has been listed among ‘Top 1000 exporters of Turkey’ in 2020, ranking 636. Our group company ‘Alapala Foreign Trade’ has been listed 13th on ‘Machinery and Parts’ category and been the leader exporter of Turkey in ‘Food Machinery’ category by numbers of Machinery and Parts Association.
In line with the export figures realized in 2020, Alapala took its place in the list of "Turkey's Top 1000 Exporters" this year as well. Our group company, Alapala Foreign Trade Ltd, ranked 13th in Turkey in the "Machinery and Accessories" category and ranked 636th in the general ranking. In addition, according to the data of the Machinery and Accessories Association, it became Turkey's leading exporter in the "Food Machinery" category. -By Alapala
Source: Online/KSU
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