Poster in May 18, 2024 13:12:45

Agriculture Groups and Labor Unions Applaud Life-Saving U.S. International Food Aid Reform in House Farm Bill Text

Agriculture Groups and Labor Unions Applaud Life-Saving U.S. International Food Aid Reform in House Farm Bill Text

On May 17, 2024, the North American Millers Association, U.S. Wheat Associates, National Sorghum Producers, National Association of Wheat Growers, Midwest Dry Bean Coalition, USA Rice, and AFL-CIO applaud the House Agriculture Committee for saving lives of the U.S. International Food Assistance Program in the recently released Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024. reformation These reforms will immediately feed more people without spending any new taxpayer dollars.

The Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 includes a 50 percent floor for U.S. commodities and ocean shipping in Food for Peace, ensuring that at least half of the budget goes directly to the program’s mission of feeding hungry people worldwide. Through its reforms, the act preserves a robust role for USDA and the American farmers, millers, and shippers that have reliably contributed to Food for Peace since its inception. Additionally, it simplifies the Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust release mechanism so that the program can respond efficiently and effectively to hunger crises, as intended. 

“The food aid reforms included in the House farm bill ensure that more food will go directly into the bellies of hungry people around the world. In a time of such unprecedented famine emergency, we cannot imagine a higher priority than making sure we are feeding as many people as possible.” – Kim Z Cooper, Vice President of Government Affairs, North American Millers’ Association

“The Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 sends a clear message that Food for Peace should be delivering as much American-grown food to as many hungry people as possible. This is a mission American wheat farmers are proud to support, and we look forward to seeing these important reforms carried through the farm bill process.” – Peter Laudeman, Director of Trade Policy, U.S. Wheat Associates 

"National Sorghum Producers believes addressing food insecurity in the world's most unstable regions is not only a moral duty but a practical necessity. The reforms in the Farm, Food and National Security Act of 2024 enhance our ability to provide crucial food aid more efficiently and effectively to those who need it, and sorghum farmers stand committed to supporting these reforms as the farm bill process moves forward." - Craig Meeker, Chairman, National Sorghum Producers

“American labor has long supported the Food for Peace program, and is proud to endorse these provisions in the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 that ensure our nation continues its leadership in the fight against global hunger.” – Mark Clements, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO

More than 65 organizations have endorsed these provisions in the lead-up to the farm bill reauthorization.

Source: Email/GFMM

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