Poster in Jul 24, 2022 01:53:54

Active presence of employees to honor Myande Group,s19th anniversary

Active presence of employees to honor Myande Group,s19th anniversary

Honoring our 19th Anniversary, employees at our headquarter in Yangzhou, China, gathered to celebrate with an employee photo.

We would like to say a huge thank you to our employees, customers, suppliers and partners who contribute to Myande‘s success. You are what makes Myande the promising company it is.

Myande Group is a leading provider of equipment and engineering service in Oils and Fats, Starch and Derivatives, Meal Fermentation and Evaporation & Crystallization industries on turn-key basis. Myande is committed to providing highly tailor-made process design featuring advanced processing technology, reliable equipment, energy efficiency, and steady product quality.

Myande Group currently has 1,000+ employees including 400 technical staff and 600 manufacturing workers. More than 600 complete plants have been supplied under the Myande’s name in around 40 different countries. And Myande annual turnover has exceeded 300M$.
#China #myande #thankyou #aniversary

-By Myande Group

|Source: Online/KSU

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