Poster in Mar 16, 2022 19:41:52



Looking back at the figures of 2021, it has been a rather complex year for silo manufacturers, marked by the global logistic crisis and unprecedented rise in steel price. Yet, SYMAGA takes pride that by the start of 2022, over 50M m3 of storage built and more than 12.000 projects have been assembled. In recent years our silos have been delivered to new countries such as Jordan, Niger, Papua Nueva Guinea, Bostwana, Equatorial Guinea and the Virgin Islands, and now SYMAGA silos is present in 145 countries.

 During 2021, many projects have been completed, but two are of special significance: two breweries for one of the leaders in the industry, the Dutch group Heineken. In Brazil, Ricefer Equipamientos Inox engineering, with more than 35 years of experience, has trusted in SYMAGA for the manufacturing of the new Heineken brewery. 9,664 m3 divided into 4 silos SCE0920/30T45, located in Ponta Grossa, in Paraná state that have the largest industrial area in the interior of the country. The second project is for Cambodia Brewery, the factory of Heineken in Cambodia. Ziemann Holvrieka has executed the construction of new brewery plant close to Phnom Pehn, in the south of Asian country. The installation has 4923m3 of capacity, 4 silos SCE0840/16T45 and one silo SCE0535/14T45.

 SYMAGA reflects on a positive balance for 2021; despite the uncertainty in the steel and logistics markets, it has managed to increase production by 15% compared to 2020, generating more direct and indirect employment and maintaining the company stability. Of course, this result has been made possible thanks to Symaga team, and Management appreciates the effort.

-By Ana Escamilla, Marketing Manager, SYMAGA, Ctra. Arenas de San Juan km 2.3 | 13210 Villarta de San Juan | Spain, M +34 649 848 645 | T +34 605 369 435 | T +34 926 640 475, | | |

|Source: Email/GFMM

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