Poster in Jul 09, 2023 16:11:10

A short feature about Fowler Westrup- Next Generation Color Sorters

A short feature about Fowler Westrup- Next Generation Color Sorters

Fowler Westrup Color Sorters comes with Advance technology with inbuilt Artificial intelligence (AI) sorting technology to meet customer expectations. Our Color Sorters (Star & Smart Series) are available in a wide range of models from (1-12 Chutes) with enhanced capacity upto 2-TPH per chute*.

Fowler Westrup specializes in providing complete integrated solutions to Food Processing Industry with Post Harvest Processing Machinery, Grain Storage Silo Systems, Rice Milling Machinery, Seed Processing machinery, Millet Processing machinery, Opto Electronic Color Sorters, Grain Milling & Storing Solutions for Ethanol Plant, Drone-Based Spraying services, Material Handling Equipment / Grain Handling Equipment and to Power Industry Transformer Oil Filtration & Regeneration Systems.

Established as a joint venture between John Fowler (India) Pvt Ltd. and Westrup A/s, Denmark in the year 2000 in Bangalore India; The Joint venture promoter John Fowler India has been serving the Indian Industry since 1953. Westrup A/S (, Denmark has decades of experience in seed and grain processing. The Joint venture made it possible to absorb the technology rapidly to serve the domestic as well as global markets.

For more details,
Email:, Whatsapp: +91 63662 26160


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