Poster in Jul 22, 2022 01:42:20

A short feature about Conveyor Components Company

A short feature about Conveyor Components Company

Conveyor Components Company, established in 1965, is world renowned for quality engineered products at economical prices. Bulk material handling customers and processing industries have come to depend on. Conveyor Components Company is a manufacturer of conveyor controls, motion controls, level controls, bin aerators, and conveyor belt cleaners.

Conveyor Controls include safety stop switches, pull cords, belt alignment controls, damaged belt detectors or belt rip detectors, bucket elevator alignment controls, bulk material flow controls and a system status indicator.

Motion Controls include our line of contact and non-contact zero speed controls and speed monitors; while our Level Controls include rugged paddle wheel switches, tilt level probes, and bin aeration pads.

Our Conveyor Belt Cleaners include top-of-the-line rotary brush cleaners to the more prudent single or multi-blade cleaners. We also manufacture plow style belt cleaners.

As a manufacturer of quality engineered products for the worldwide bulk handling industry, Conveyor Components Company strives to maintain the highest degree of consumer satisfaction. We are completely committed to exacting engineering design and high quality on-time production. We emphasize customer service as a focal point of our business.

As a member of our community, Conveyor Components Company seeks to maintain the highest standards of integrity. By strictly following and enforcing a high code of ethics, we try to make our company a better place to work and our community a better place to live.

-By Conveyor Components Company

|Source: Email/TA

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