Poster in Nov 01, 2022 23:01:48

A feature of AGI's current focus

A feature of AGI's current focus

AGI’s current focus is on measuring our resource consumption patterns, for both energy and water, at our facilities worldwide. This will enable us to establish a baseline and create targets for future reduction in our environmental footprint.

Energy Use & Management

Our production facilities consume energy in metal fabrication and supplementary manufacturing processes required to create AGI products. We strive to measure and improve the energy intensity of our manufacturing operations. Total energy consumption for our manufacturing locations was 371,652 GJ in 2020.

Water Efficiency & Recycling

Our manufacturing processes consume minimal water to produce high-quality products. We track and reduce net water consumption and monitor appropriate water discharge at our facilities. We harvest rainwater and recycle water to reduce our net consumption at sites located in high-water risk areas (as classified by WRI Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas).

GHG Emissions Reduction

We plan to measure and manage our direct and indirect GHG emissions in carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent in 2022.



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