Poster in Jun 27, 2022 22:02:00

Swiss technology group Bühler: Accelerating impact together

Swiss technology group Bühler: Accelerating impact together

From Left to Right: Stefan Scheiber, CEO at Bühler Group & Ian Roberts, CTO at Bühler Group

Uzwil (Switzerland), June 27, 2022 – Swiss technology group Bühler is bringing together over 1,000 decision makers from the food, feed, and mobility sectors at its Networking Days in Uzwil on June 27-28 to “accelerate impact together.” This unique, convening event was created by Bühler in 2016 and is held every three years. At the center of the many keynotes, panels, and technology demonstrations is the question: How can we enable 10 billion people (by 2050) to live a good life within the boundaries of our planet? The event focuses on leadership, technology, education, inspiration, and action across international industry boundaries. It highlights examples of companies that provide tangible impact on mitigating climate change, eradicating poverty, creating employment, protecting and restoring nature, and improving food security.

“Global industry has excellent examples of companies that are highly responsible, applying innovative technologies at the heart of their transformation, and through this, becoming economically healthier and addressing sustainability at the same time,” says Bühler CEO Stefan Scheiber. “In fact, despite all the challenges we are facing – from climate change to food and energy insecurity to supply chain issues and social disruptions through to wars – I am convinced we can turn things around. Innovative technologies offer many business opportunities when they also address sustainability issues. We must not shy away from seizing these opportunities.”

During the event, customers and partners along with Bühler will demonstrate that the rate of innovation is accelerating. Highlighted are solutions from global companies, extraordinary entrepreneurs, start-ups, academia, and NGOs – all illustrating that solutions to global challenges can be found and delivered at an impactful scale. Vital to all of this is education and training and the role they play in building the skills for the impactful jobs of the future. Through all of this, the Networking Days create an exceptional collaboration platform for sharing, learning, networking, partnering, and most importantly, for creating positive impact. A stark reminder of the need for collaboration is unfolding in front of our eyes. Food scarcity is increasing as a result of conflict, and we can see the terrible consequences on the poorest populations where food security was already an issue.

Tangible examples of companies that balance nature, humanity, and economy in their decisions are shared at the Networking Days. Among them: a coffee company from Norway, which reduces CO2e emissions by 85% in its new facility; an entrepreneur in Angola, who has built a gigantic industrial food complex as a huge first step towards providing self-sufficient food security across the country; a battery manufacturer in the UK who is building Europe’s first Gigaplant with new mixing processes, reducing waste in the production process by 80%; and a miller in India who is making tortillas in a plant that reduces water consumption by 84% and eliminates wastewater. Many other companies in attendance are transforming the food system with sustainably delivered plant-based proteins. These are just a few examples of the many businesses using proven technologies.

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