Poster in Dec 10, 2023 13:42:11

How many tons of grain are in a silo?

How many tons of grain are in a silo?

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The daily processing of wheat determines the capacity of the wheat storage silo. For the malt and beer processing industries, the capacity of a single grain storage silo should be about 1000 tons to 1500 tons. A single grain warehouse capacity of 1000 tons to 3000 tons is appropriate for the feed processing industry.

Bidragon 2000-ton Grain Silo, another name as paddy storage silo or steel grain storage silo, is used for farm purposes, rice mills, flour mills, soybean-oil mills, animal feed mill plants, brewery plants and so on, the corn maize steel grain storage silo can be used to store grain (such as corn, maize, bulk wheat, corn, rice, paddy, sorghum, soya, etc.), animal feed, cereal seeds, plastic pellet, wooden pellet etc.

Bidragon is dedicated to providing turn-key steel Grain Storage Silo system reflecting China's National Top Level Technology Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Installation in our turnkey solution experience for the agricultural industry

Source: Online/GFMM

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