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A late-season rice yield monitoring was conducted in the “four-high (high standard, high technology, high yield, and high quality)” test fields in Changsha on October 23. The monitored area consists of five core demonstration fields, respectively located in Jinzhou Town in Ningxiang City, Chunhua Town in Changsha County, Jinggang Town in Wangcheng District, Shashi Town in Liuyang City, and Hanpu Neighborhood in Xiangjiang New Area in China. Each field covers more than 1,000 mu (66.7 hectares). The results showed that late-season rice yield in the test fields reached over 600 kg per mu (about 0.067 hectares) this year. The photo shows a farmer driving a harvester to reap rice in the demonstration field in Jianlou Village, Jinzhou Town, Ningxiang City in China.
Source: Online/GFMM
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